Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

Hello family and friends!

Hope 2011 has been good to you! This blog is meant to share some highlights of our lives with our family and friends. Here are just a few recent pictures of our family to get this blog started.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yea! I was wondering if you were going to continue selfishly keeping all that adorableness just to yourselves. ;)

    Love the book photo -- solid way to reinforce he is DEF your kid! Haha

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Yea!!! Now Michael and I just need to get ours up and going and we can all "stay in the loop!"

  4. Ahh!!!! I love it. I super love the one of him holding the book and then the last one of you two!! But of course they're all adorable.

  5. Could baby brian be ANY more precious? Every time I think that it isn't possible, he gets MORE perfect, MORE precious, and MORE adorable. OMG. That baby is too much.
